Sunday, March 14, 2010

40. some reading and some introspection

Dear All

Haven't posted much in the last few months - perhaps only 2 or 3 posts in all of last year. Updated my Teletechgyan after a gap of 2 years. But all that (or most of it at least) was not due to laziness.

Part of it was of course, due to my introduction to Twitter. Twitter is the lazy man's blog - microblog to be precise. To a large extent devoid of any purpose - even aimless if I may say so - Tweeting still has its fun and is duly addictive. I believe it reflects the restless nature of the human mind. Just as it is possible for the mind to jump from one thought to another - one moment to the next - so also Twitter allows the users to tweet totally unrelated and yet connected stream of messages one after another. Just as thoughts may be entirely random and yet connected, Twitter's public timeline can be full of random thoughts, news, perspectives from all across the world - some entirely worthless while others totally invaluable. The only flaw is that it also sort of trains your mind to not collect all these thoughts and put them together. One would rather dump out those thoughts like a kid shouting at the mountains to hear his own echo than take the efforts to hear his own voice and refine it in the hope of contributing something worthwhile to posterity.

And yet, that is not the topic of today's post. While Twitter seems to be one of the reasons for not taking the efforts to blog, that was not the only reason. One of the other things were a lot of self-doubts or at least questions about the usefulness of it all. Why think aloud - for that is what this is really about - in the (almost conceited) belief that these thoughts really mean something to anyone at all? Yes there are some loyal readers who visit this blog, email me about it and also take the efforts to comment. But to be honest the visitors are my friends who visit and comment because of their love for me more than perhaps any value that I am adding to them. Of course that is a good a reason (in fact better than) as any other reason. Just to thank and appreciate that love and friendship I should take the efforts to blog. (And I will). And yet, the thoughts are still about what is the value that I can create for them? That question, alas, is still not answered.

I know this is becoming some form of a theatrical monologue but honestly, that is not where I started off with the introspection bit. Anyways since the question is now about what value I can contribute and since I honestly cannot think of something original to speak (and can't get the wisdom to be silent either), perhaps I can borrow from some interesting reading I have been up to in the last few months. But that will surely have to wait for another post, another day. Keep watching this space.


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