Hi All
Today on LinkedIn one particular message drew my attention. Apparently it was some online competition asking you to enter your email ID and some details and you stand to gain some free holiday stuff. Now usually I am quite sceptical of such things and protect my details online assuming everything "guilty unless proven innocent".
This time also I have not entered the competition and would advice others to use their discretion.
Now that the standard disclaimer is out of the way, the advertisement was on behalf of an organization that apparently have been trying to draw attention to a serious problem threatening our African (and anyone in Africa ofcourse) friends.
Landmines in Africa !
Landmines are disgusting explosive devices hidden underground and can kill or - even worse - seriously cripple those who step on them. Any weapon of war is a cruel device but something that continues long after the war and warriors are gone is - or should be - unacceptable to human society.
Some statistics like
- It is estimated that there are over 100 million landmines on or beneath the surface of this planet.
- They kill or maim someone every 20 minutes, usually women and children.
As the Mineseeker website says, this is not a natural disaster or God's act like a Tsunami or a volcano ... this is a man-made disaster.

Thankfully it is heartening to see organizations like the Mineseeker Foundation and "The Sole of Africa" which are making a serious effort to save Africa from this horror. They are being supported by some eminent people across the world - like the Nelson Mandela and the Queen Noor of Jordan and Brad Pitt.
I suggest my readers take some time to view the websites and if you still want the competition link - it is at

Best regards