Sunday, July 29, 2007 is the auspicious date of Guru-Pournima. While for a disciple, every date has the same importance in terms of regards and respects for his/ her Guru or teacher, Guru-Pournima has a particular significance as it signifies the relationship of love and care between the teacher and disciple.
The Hindu culture and religions accord the highest place of worship to the Guru with the following Shloka.
Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devoh Maheshwarah,
Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma. Tasmay Shri Guruveh namah !!!
This date has significance for all - whether the Sanyasis who having left the material world seek the ultimate knowledge to free themselves or the knowledge-workers like myself who seek to live and prosper in this material world -- for what is this knowledge, if not the blessings of all our Gurus who have guided us throughout our student and professional life.
As I thank all the kind teachers who from time to time guided me on the right path, I remember and seek blessings of the One Supreme Guru - Sadguru Shri Saibaba of Shirdi - who has always guided me through all moments of my life and whose mercy and kind grace I seek beyond anything else.

For the disciples of Shri Saibaba, the festival of Guru-Pournima is indeed the most significant one as it is said that this is the only festival which Baba himself asked his disciples to celebrate ...
On Sunday, please join me in seeking the blessings of Shri Saibaba, to remember our Gurus with love and respect and to pray for peace and well-being of all ...
Best Regards